Blood in Stool: Top Causes & Effective Treatments You Need To Know

Seeing blood in stool can be alarming, but it’s a symptom that can arise from various conditions, ranging from minor to serious. Blood in stool may be bright red, dark red, or even black, indicating bleeding at different levels of the digestive tract. While some causes are benign, such as hemorrhoids, others, like gastrointestinal bleeding from ulcers or cancers require prompt medical attention.

What is Blood in Stool or Bloody Stool?

Blood in stool, also known as rectal bleeding or GI bleeding, refers to any appearance of blood in bowel movements. Depending on where the bleeding originates, the blood may be visible as bright red streaks or make the stool appear dark and tar-like. This symptom can indicate anything from diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, and hemorrhoids to colon cancer.

Types of Blood in Stool

  • Bright Red Blood: Typically indicates bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract, such as the rectum or colon. Conditions like hemorrhoids, constipation, and anal fissures are common causes.
  • Black or Tarry Stool: Suggests bleeding higher in the digestive tract, such as the stomach or GI tract. Black or tarry stool can also indicate ulcerative colitis or other conditions causing upper GI bleeding.

How Common is Blood in Stool or Bloody Stool?

Blood in stool, also known as bloody stool, rectal bleeding, and GI bleeding, is a common symptom of various gastrointestinal issues. Occasional traces and minor rectal bleeding may indicate minor causes like constipation, and anal fissure. Persistent or significant blood in the stool often signals more serious GI conditions such as hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), peptic ulcer disease, and colon cancer that require prompt medical evaluation like a rectal examination to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Common Symptoms of Blood in Stool

Common Causes of Blood in Stool

Healthcare providers typically consider the following possible causes of blood in stool, also known as bloody stool, rectal bleeding, or GI bleeding:

  • Hemorrhoids: Swollen blood vessel in the lower digestive tract, rectum, or anus that can rupture and bleed. This is especially true if you are passing bright red blood in your poop, a condition called hematochezia.
  • Anal Fissure: An anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus, often caused by passing large or hard stool, straining, pregnancy, and more. This can cause anal pain during and after bowel movement. Other symptoms include a visible cut or tear in the skin around your rectum and anus, and rectal bleeding.
  • Gastrointestinal Ulcer: Open sores in the stomach or small intestine that can cause internal bleeding.
  • Diverticular Disease: Diverticular disease arises from the formation of diverticula in the large intestine lining, leading to rectal bleeding. While many individuals remain asymptomatic, some may experience diverticulitis due to infection or inflammation in these pouches. Although relatively rare, these pouches can occasionally result in rectal bleeding with the presence of blood in the stool.
  • Colon Cancer: Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colon cancer, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss or changes in bowel habit. This is why any signs of blood in stool must be brought to the medical attention of your healthcare provider. Colon cancer can manifest in various ways, leading to bloody stool colors from bright and tarry to dark blood. The color of the blood in stool is often indicative of the tumor’s location within the gastrointestinal tract. For instance, tumors situated in the sigmoid colon, which is near the rectum, can produce stools that are dark red or maroon. Conversely, tumors located specifically in the rectum tend to lead to bright red stool.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis can cause bleeding from inflamed digestive tract tissues.


No, blood in stool can be caused by various conditions, many of which are not cancerous, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissure, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), gastroenteritis, and other problems in the GI tract. Other causes include diverticulitis, infectious colitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), peptic ulcer, and colon polyps. It is very important to get it checked by a doctor to rule out serious causes.

If you notice blood in your stool, you should seek medical attention right away. While mild rectal bleeding may not be serious, persistent or large amounts of blood require immediate medical attention.

Yes, constipation and straining to poop can cause rectal bleeding. When you strain, you can cause conditions like hemorrhoids or anal fissure, which may GI bleeding or rectal bleeding. Very hard stool may tear the skin inside your anus, causing bleeding. Getting checked and treating your possible causes can help prevent this from happening.

Healthcare providers can evaluate rectal bleeding or blood in stool in several ways to determine the cause. They might start by asking you questions about the circumstances surrounding your rectal bleeding or the blood in your stool. Your answers to these questions can help your provider determine which medical tests to follow up with. Diagnosis often involves a physical examination, a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, and sometimes imaging studies to determine the source of bleeding.

You should seek medical attention if you notice persistent or significant bleeding, dark, tarry stools, large blood clots in your stool, or if symptoms like weight loss, fatigue, or abdominal pain accompany the blood.

Yes, the color of the blood can indicate its source:

  • Tarry stool with dark blood: This may indicate bleeding or blood clot in the upper GI tract.
  • Bright red blood: This may indicate bleeding in the lower GI tract.

In most cases, a minimal blood loss during bowel movement is harmless. However, you should see a healthcare provider to determine the exact cause of your bleeding, and you should consult your physician right away if you are facing excessive bleeding.

Depending on the cause, your bleeding may stop on its own. If it stops and doesn’t come back, it probably won’t need further treatment. But it would be best if you always kept an eye on any rectal bleeding or blood in your stool. Notice if it happens more than once, or if you have any other symptoms with it.

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